My Top 5 Favorite Things on My Desk

Every day at 5am I found myself having a date with my desk, my to do list is getting longer and thoughts of being overwhelm is lingering in my mind. There is just no other way to start my day but to sit and write down my chores, appointments and thoughts. It is actually quite refreshing and serene on how easy it is to just let go and have some sort of control in my life. I love to sit by my desk.


Since being productive is quite challenging when things are piling up in my mind, I try to stay motivated with these 5 favorite things on my desk.


1.My Journal is probably the most important one. It gives way for my thoughts to pour out and just to reflect and see how I really feel and what my dreams are. It is true that you can think about things but seeing it written down makes me want to take action and take that first step for change towards what I really want to achieve.

2. A Kindle/Book. Honestly, it has been hard to sit down and read. But I am doing my best to go back because it is my first love. It is my teacher. It is my happy place. A lot of times when I don’t know what I am doing or I just want to find answers to so many questions in my head, a quick read is all I need to be calm and to have a different perspective on my worries and uncertainties.


3.My calligraphy pen and pad. Another happy place for me. I am a lefty, and I should not be loving writing on a wet ink, but it taught me to control my hand and to enjoy every shape and letters I make. It is a reminder that there are some things I can control in my life, but I can never control the outcome. It is a remembrance of embracing life as it is and doing the best I can to make it better. Plus, calligraphy is truly beautiful, it reminds me of my 13 years old self doing letterings on my Science notebook.


4. Coffee on my favorite cup and coaster. There is just a feeling of comfort on the smell and warmth in a cup of coffee. It is probably my calm before a busy day.


5. Artsy coasters. The truth is my creativity grew because of a 4.25x4.25 round ceramic coaster. It is where The Patterned Desk started. During those times I was thinking, what if a simple coaster can make your space beautiful, spark an idea or bring your inspiration with all the work that you put on every surface of your home. It was a moment I will never forget, it allowed me to discover myself and my hope is every person who buys my creations will feel the same way. To be special and to make someone feel special.


Thank you so much for reading my thoughts. I hope you will find inspiration and just take that first step on having a bond with your desk or table. I know all of us has different struggles but let's keep going, let's keep dreaming and maybe someday we can be truly happy and content.


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