10 Top Self-Care Tips to Look After Yourself When Planning Your Wedding

Wedding planning can be a really stressful time. Although you’ll be excited to make your plans for your special day, there are a lot of things to think about and it can get a bit overwhelming trying to organize everything.

Planning a wedding includes making a lot of big decisions, involves all of your friends and family members, and requires a lot of expenses. Your schedule will probably be really busy with calls, appointments and plans. So, it’s totally understandable that you are going to have stressful moments in your wedding planning. But, when the stress really starts to get to you, it’s important to take some time out and look after yourself.

Self care is so important in your everyday life, but especially if you are planning a wedding, so make sure to prioritize it. Don't forget about the most important person in your wedding—you!

“An event as big as a wedding requires you to juggle lots of commitments and financial concerns so it’s natural to feel some stress. Being under pressure is a normal part of life, but if you become overwhelmed by stress, these feelings could start to be a problem.” Stephen Buckley, Head of Information at Mind

So, to help you in your wedding planning whenever you are starting to feel overwhelmed or burned out, here are my top 10 self-care tips to look after yourself!

1 - Catch up on sleep

10 Top Self-Care Tips to Look After Yourself When Planning Your Wedding

It is likely that you have been staying up late sorting out wedding planning, or maybe you haven’t been sleeping too well if you have a lot on your mind. Everything seems so much worse if you are tired, so make sure that you catch up on your sleep and are well rested before you go any further with your wedding plans!

2 - delegate your tasks

Whether you have a wedding planner, or if you delegate to your friends and family… you don’t have to do it all on your own! Make sure that you take some weight off your shoulders and start delegating tasks. They will be happy to help and will definitely want you to be less stressed.

3 - Step Away From The Wedding Planning

I know that you probably don’t want to step away because you have so much to think about it. But taking time out from the planning will benefit you when you do go back to it, I promise. You will find that taking a breather helps you gain perspective when it comes to the tasks you’re finding stressful. Go out for dinner, take a weekend off, or just take some time out where you’re not thinking about wedding planning!

4 - Ditch the diet

Some brides go on crazy (and dangerous) crash diets where they won’t be getting enough nutrition. Or, maybe you’ve been so busy that you’re just eating fast food. This is only going to make you more stressed! A healthy, well balanced diet is essential to your wellbeing, so make sure you are eating enough and eating healthily. Consider consulting a nutritionist or following a meal plan to make sure that you are getting a balanced diet.

5 - Pamper Yourself

Spending time with your partner, friends, and family throughout your wedding planning process is important and they will want to be around to help you. But, also remember to take some time out for yourself and give yourself a bit of a pamper. Book in for a spa day, go and get your nails done, get a massage or just have a long relaxing bath with a good book. Prioritize this time for yourself!

6 - Look After Your Health

As well as following a healthy and balanced diet, make sure that you are looking after your health in general. When you’re in overdrive mode, your immune system becomes tired, making you susceptible to germs and viruses. Stay rested, hydrated and stock up on any multivitamins or supplements that you need. If you get sick, don’t ignore it or wait until it gets really bad before you visit a doctor or take medication.

7 - Couple Time

Make sure that you and your partner are taking time to spend together that doesn’t involve wedding planning. Remember that you are a team through this and taking time out of the planning together can help to remind the both of you of what you have ahead to look forward to! Cook each other dinner, have time with your phones turned off, go out for date nights, and just prioritize time for each other.

8- Create ALLOTED Planning Time

Rather than fitting your wedding planning in wherever you can around your normal days, schedule in specified planning time to get your tasks done. Work out what days and times during your week you are able to put hours aside for wedding planning, and schedule this time in your diary. This structure will really help to alleviate the overwhelm and allow you to get more done in that specific time slot.

9- Use Breathing & Meditation Techniques

Whenever you are feeling a bit stressed out or like the wedding planning is taking over a bit, it can be really useful to use some basic breathing and meditation techniques to calm you down. Center your mind, slow your breathing, make yourself comfortable, and enter a more meditative mindset. It could even be that meditation for you is journaling, reading a book, lighting a candle, or listening to some relaxing music.

10 -Celebrate the small wins!

You are doing so well! Make sure you acknowledge everything that you are doing and reward yourself for your hard work. Keep a list of everything that you accomplish, and you’ll feel so proud when you look back at it. To do lists can make you feel panicked, but a ‘Done’ list will definitely make you feel fulfilled and strengthen your motivation.

There is so much to think about when it comes to planning your Wedding! To help you with your planning, I have organized all of your to-dos into easy tasks that you can tick off each month, so your Wedding Planning is as stress free as possible. Check it out here.

I hope that these self-care tips will help you when you’re feeling stressed in your wedding planning! If you want help in creating a Wedding theme or in designing bespoke decor for your special day, I would love to help! You can get in touch with me here.

Vanessa x


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